Wednesday, June 1, 2011


This weekend I went to my boyfriend Nick’s baseball game. It was his last game of the school season. Quite a few of them for rained out. That’s the problem with spring sports, but I went to almost all of his home games. It’s rough to be a baseball girlfriend. Especially when you don’t like the sport very much. The games are either cold and windy or way too hot, the fans expect you to be quiet and there are way too many things to keep track of. Not to mention the way that they spit sunflower seeds is disgusting. Don’t get me wrong I don’t HATE it because it is something to do but it’s not my favorite by any means. You see Nick plays catcher, I'm fully aware of how important the position is but I can’t even see him. The umpire stands in the way and I’m sitting there staring at the old mans backside for a good two hours... that is no ones ideal Friday night. Id rather watch the pitcher hike his leg up real high before they pitch or the people in the outfield collide because they are too busy trying to gage the ball that they don’t realize their surroundings, or even the ritual the batter takes every time before he bats. I’ve always wondered what would happen if they couldn’t do that just one time... would it really make a difference? I think maybe baseball just isn’t my sport.

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