Sunday, December 5, 2010

Thus week in class we have been doing in class readings and class discussions. First we read about Japanese American Internment Camps. The leading question of that discussion was weather or not the Internment Camps should be compared to the Concentration Camps of the Holocaust. In my opinion even though they have their similarities they should not be compared. I think this because the Concentration Camps were much worse, they were used to exterminate a whole race of people for no certian reason other than Hitler and his followers didnt believe that they should be able to live. They were sent to gas chambers to die if they were young children or were too old and they were shot if they didnt pass inspection. The living conditions were terrible and depressing and if they didnt die from sickness it was likley that they would die from starvation. However, the Internment camps were to separate the Japanese from American society to protect them. They were able to bring few belongings and keep them, the living conditions were not well and neither was the amount of food but it was nothing compared to the concentration camps. The next thing that we discussed was the topic of Gay rights. We talked about their role in society such as in a family at school and in the military and summarized it in groups to share next week.

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