Wednesday, March 2, 2011

My biggest achievement, I put alot of thought into this topic, but it was more or less thinking in circles. How exactly do you detirmine how great of an achievement something is and how am I supposed to detirmine what my greatest one is. Thats a toughy. After careful consideration I guess that I would have to say my greatest achievement was recieving a 4.0 all through my elementry and middle school career. However, I hesistate to say that because now my grades have decreased and I dont feel so proud of it anymore. A 4.0 for eight years running (ten if you count the gold stars and smiley faces I recieved in preschool for my excellent coloring inside the lines) is something worth mentioning. It took alot of hard work and studying and I do mean alot. I used to be less social and I think that has alot to do with it, im not saying you cant be social and have good grades but it is alot harder to juggle things. Anyways, in middle school and the years previous to it grades were very important to me, more important than hanging out with my friends on the weekends and before I decided to be highly active in sports. Thats probably how it should be, I mean thats whats going to get me into a nice college someday and get me a job later. I always thought that I wanted to get an acedemic scholarship, man that woulda been nice, my parents would have been so proud. But now that goal seems a little out of reach. If myself now were to talk to myself then, oh buddy we would have some strong words for eachother. Past me would have yelled my head off saying how hard I worked all those years and how I blew it but also that its never to late to better myself and I should start working harder to get straight a's again but present me would say that missing out on highschool memories time with my friends being happy and having fun will mean more to me than a's on a piece of paper when I look back on it I want to be able to say that highschool was the best four years of my life like its supposed to be and not all studying and school work. I guess its a pretty big toss up, but I know with hard work and learning to juggle work friends and school that I could have the 4.0 I once worked so hard for. Hopefully someday soon I will have a bigger accomplishment to blog about, until then I guess ill be working hard.