Monday, February 28, 2011

A world unknown

Karson was the boy that had everything going for him. He had perfect grades, was the most popular guy in the school, captian of the football team, student body president, you name it.. Until one day, the day that he stepped into another world, he lost it all.
He came to school with a glazed over look on his face and the only thing he could say was "If I asked you to jump would you do it?". He went on repeating the same phrase in a monotone rythmic pattern for days on end it wasnt until days of his parents shaking him and questioning him that he had a sudden spasam almost like a siezsure that shook him out of his daze. Even though this was at first a relief it soon became even worse. Karson began to freak out and start talking about a place that was unreal. The scariest part about it was that he talked about it as if he had lived there his entire life and that it was real and the place he was currently in was fake. He would say things that didnt make sense and try to tell everyone that the world was going to end and that they needed to come with him to this other world. Day by day this only became worse. He was constantly in a zone, his school councellor described it as tramatized. He would remain isolated and quiet all day untill all of a sudden he would have a fit. In these fits he would start screaming like he was in terrible pain and start shaking, and then he would start telling stories of his world and drawing pictures on anything he could find.
He had gone from king of the school to a complete joke in a matter of weeks. His friends tried to help at first, his best friend Tanner even went to his house everyday after school for two weeks and talk to him but Karson would just stare at the wall or scream. Tanner was devestated they had been like brothers his whole life. It was too much to deal with so he stopped trying. Karson's girlfriend didnt even give it a day the moment he snapped she declared them over, she couldnt let something like this ruin her reputation. And as for Karsons parents they were at a loss, their only son had gone insane. They tried everything. They sent him to atleast twenty shrinks who all claimed him an impossible case, and even brought him to several doctors. The only option left was to send him to a mental facility.
His room was plain only white walls and a bed but it didnt make a difference for him. The world that he lived in now was not here. His fits did not die down nor did his aloofness. His parents would come in hopeful of some kind of process but the doctor would only tell them bad news, "He's been talking about his world again, the bridge told him to do it, it told him to jump whatever that means" The doctor was very apologetic and claimed that everyone could be broken into and that it was just a matter of time, his parents remained hopeful even though the strain became harder every day. Weeks and then months passed by until any progress was seen. It wasnt until a young nurse named Bliss was hired that anything changed.
She wasnt supposed to work with Karson but she often passed his room she was pulled in by his stories and would sit out side his room to listen. She like the others believed that he was insane, in her mind at least, her years of studying told her that this was impossible. But her gut told her differently because when Karson talked she had a weird feeling in the pit of her stomach. It was almost like she had expierienced it herself a deja vu type feeling like she had dreamed about it before. Eventually it started to get to her and she took a deep breath and finally tried to talk to Karson.
He was having a fit at the time and the doctor was trying to calm him down, she walked right into the room and grabbed his hand "Hey Karson" she said in a calm voice. Suddenly he stopped and looked her right in the eyes he didnt speak but a smile swept across his face. The doctor gasped and rused Bliss out of the room. "DONT EVER DO THAT AGAIN, this is a delicate process and that is not your job".
However Bliss did everything she could to get back to Karson she knew that they had some kind of connection the way that he acted and how she was feeling couldnt be a coincidense. One night her chance finally came. She had to lock up and she was the only worker in the facility, she snuck into Karsons room and said "Take me to this bridge, I want to see your world" He jumped up faster than lightning but then just stood there as if he was in disbelief. It had been three years and not a single person had given him the benefit of the doubt he even started to think he was insane but this was his only chance to prove he wasnt so he took it.
They snuck out of the building and Karson took the keys they drove deep into an abandoned woods and came to a bridge. The moment that it was in sight Bliss got chills down her spine and picture like the ones karson drew on his walls flashed through her mind. Only instead of him it was her as a little girl. She shook it off and as she stepped onto the bridge she took her shoes off grabbed the railing and closed her eyes Karson put his arm around her and for a moment the chills went away she felt safe but she was startled when she heard him talk for the first time "If I asked you to jump would you do it" she didnt answer but instead leaned forward and looked over the rotten railing it was a never ending tunnel of nothingness. She quickly stepped back startled shaking her head and saying "I know where I have seen this place before I used to have nightmares about it when I was a little girl I would wake up in the middle of the night screaming about an unknown world and sweating bullets, this cant be real im dreaming" "will you jump" She grabbed his hand and they dived head first off of the bridge putting their trust into nothing but what seemed to be insanity. She screamed but Karson remained calm. Only a matter of seconds later they found themselves on a bridge like the one they had jusy jumped off of only instead of old and rickety it was new and beautiful. Bliss slowly looked farther out into the distance and saw a place that could only exisit in a dream. But her dream suddenly began to turn into the nightmare she had always known as a voice sounded from behind her "There is my blissful little dreamer and her knight in shining armor, you know he is going to save us all or he will if the rest of the world lets him" She gasped as suddenly more and more memories started to flow back into her head. Everynight she would be awakened by a voice telling her stories of the end of the world and saying that there was only one way to save it and that was for her the dreamer and Karson the Knight to bring everyone to the world unknown. She started breathing hard and freaking out she could no longer tell herself that this was a dream she had to save everyone before it was too late.
She and Karson returned and she too started telling everyone what Karson was saying was true but they claimed her insane as well. She tried to tell the secrets of a world unknown, she tried to save their lives but she couldnt. The world had become closed minded and that would be their end fate.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Watching movies is a favorite pass time of mine. I am constantly watching one after another and when a new one comes out in the theatre I am anxiously waiting to see it. Infact I cant wait till Take Me Home Tonight, Rango, and the new Fast and Furious movie, come out. Take Me Home Tonight is a comedy movie which from the commercials looks like a typical college party scene those kind of movies are always good and filled with laughs I cant wait to see it! Rango, is the cartoon movie starring Jonny Depp. I havent went to the theatres to see a cartoon since middle school however this one is deffinatly worth seeing. I love Jhonny Depp. (P.S. while were on the topic of Jhonny, I cant wait for the new Pirates movie either. Captian Jack Sparrow is the best role he will ever play) The fast and the Furious movie, I saw during the super bowl commercials and I was so excited I have loved the other ones and I think I am going to go see it with my little brother, its kind of a tradition, too bad we have so long to wait. As you can see from just those three movies, I like all different kinds, however, comedy and romance are probably my favorites. Im not too picky when it comes to actors/actresses but I love Jennifer Garner, Reese Witherspoon, Ben Affleck, and Adam Sandler so any movie with them in it is a must see. Infact, one of the best movies I have seen recently was starring Ben Affleck and it was about bank robers in Charlestown. It was so intense and never dragged on it was great!  However, I can honestly say that I do not have a favorite movie, this is probably due to the fact that I have seen so many. I feel as if I have seen all the popular ones of my time and there are so many good ones that it is hard to choose. But I will list a few that I like.
13 going on 30, The longest Yard, Bench Warmers, Step Brothers, Dare Devil, Serendipity, Forrest Gump, Sweet Home Alabama, The Hangover, The last house on the left, Case 39, National Treasure, and Saving Private Ryan just to list a few.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

I would like to think that the things I enjoy doing are not just a waste of my time but when I think about it some of them probably are. For instance the hours I spend on facebook creeping peoples profiles and reading my wall liking status's poking people and chatting it up are not going to have any relavance to the rest of my life. although facebook is entertaining it is distracting and a complete waste of time. Another common pass time for me is watching tv and movies, this is both a waste of time and money when you go to the movie theatre you walk in when its light outside and when you come back out its dark and your out eight dollars or more your back hurts from the uncomfortable chairs and you feel greasy from the popcorn that you ate. When I watch things on tv I tend to watch series or marathons these not only take away from an hour or two of my life but weeks and months as well.. they get you hooked and soon enough that is what you are scheduling your life around. However I also enjoy dance and cheerleading and I do not believe that these are a waste of time because they keep me in shape out of trouble and involved in the school. They are a major part of my life and I believe that in a way they have made me into the person that I am today. if only everything I did could be productive and fun.
Sibling... where to start. Ive got two of them one older and one younger I guess I could tell you how much I love and adore them and how id be lost with out them or even how they keep me sane and make me the person that I am todaybut I wont because thats mushy and no one wants to hear that also because the flip side is much more interesting. growing up with sibling we all know that its tough but Im not sure that anyone has had it as rough as me. My sister although sweet and innocent most of the time has an extremly dark side. She is the oldest and she doesnt take that title lightly... "but im the oldest" is a commonly used phrase in our house and for her it works like magic. She can get away with anthing and if she doesnt she screams until she does. She has the loudest blood hurdeling scream i have ever heard and she wont shut up until she gets what she wants. Oh and another terrible thing she honestly cannot take a joke. She holds grudges and she gets in a bad mood super easily. She is a ticking time bomb waiting to explode and I guess you could say that we have had more than our fair share of fights. We fight over all kinds of things stealing each others clothes telling each others secrets.. you know stupid girly stuff. However compared to my younger brother this is nothing. We have fist fights all the time because everytime we are angry at eachother there are no words it goes straight to blows. You would be suprised how fast he can run and how high pitched his scream is. Through our fights I have learned to duck juke and throw a pretty mean right hook. With my age advantage i usually walk out with a win but I have had a black eye or two in my life time. However to my advantage he is not allowed to hit a girl and will get grounded for hitting me too hard so its a win win situation for me. i guess you could say that sibling are both a blessing and a curse.