Friday, November 12, 2010

12 Angry Men

Over the last week we read a book called Tweleve Angry Men. It was about a jury deciding weather or not a teenage boy was guilty for the murder of his father. The book started out with a vote, the vote was 11-1 not guilty. The Juror who voted not guilty was juror eight, he voted not guilty because he wanted to talk about it before he placed a vote. He did not believe that it was fair to send a boy off to his death with out even giving him the time of day. The other jurors were annoyed by this because in order to adjourn the vote must be unanomous, meaning 12-0 guilty or not guilty. As the book continued many points were brought up concerning the evidence given in court, these points caused many of the jurors to change their opinions and their votes. Some were easier to convince than others however. When all was discussed the vote had taken a complete 180 and went from 11-1 guilty to 11-1 not guilty. The last juror standing was juror three. It turned out that he had personal problems with his son that he related to the case causing him to keep his vote for as long as he did. However, once he came to terms with the fact that this was not his son he was able to move on and vote not guilty by reasonable doubt like the others. Over all, I enjoyed reading the book. The constant change in votes as well as the deep thought processes of the jurors kept the story interesting.


  1. THis is a cool post. Its a lot of writing. I liked the book as well, very suprising in the votes and yes i know all of the votes kept changing. Its like come on now just make up your mind. lol but yeaaaaah how did you do on that test? Anyways i gottta go, see ya Monday Kaylyn. Peace.

  2. I enjoyed reading this play as well Kaylyn. It got really intense with juror 3 and also I couldn't believe that juror 8 was standing alone and influenced everyone else to prove him not guilty. All in all, it was a good book!
