Saturday, December 11, 2010

This week in class we talked about the gay/lesbian community. My group discussed families with gay parents. In our article there was a lesbian couple who had two kids. The couple believed that they were a family just like another because love is what makes a family. However, many others did not agree with this and the couple often times were stared at and talked about in a negative way. When we talked about this as a class we came to an agreement that gay/lesbian couples should be able to have/adopt children just as anyone else. However, they must be willing to deal with things such as this and teach their children to deal accordingly. Even though this may not be a normal situation for the child we thought that loving parents are suitable parents none the less. The other groups talked about gay/lesbian people in schools, churches, and the military. When we talked about gay/lesbian individuals in schools we thought that it was terrible how they are discriminated against and that if there is a situation where this is happening then it should be dealt with just as any other form of harassment would be. In most cases this means expulsion or other serious disciplinary actions. When we talked about gay/lesbian people in the military the don’t ask don’t tell policy came up. We believe that this policy is wrong because it makes it so people with gay/lesbian orientation cannot express themselves as they are and they are expected to lie, everyone should be able to be themselves. Although none of us agreed with this policy we could not come up with a better one, we only hope that one day there will have to be no policy at all and that everyone can accept one another for who they are. The last group talked about gay/lesbian people in churches. The one major problem that people have with this is that in the bible it says that a man shall not lie with another man and vise versa for woman. However, we brought to attention that the bible states that man shouldn’t lie cheat or steal as well and many who do so still go to church and are accepted. This made us believe that gays/lesbians shouldn’t be turned away if none of the others are because this makes it unfair if a rule applies to one it should be applied to all. All and all everyone should be loved and accepted for who they are and everyone should be seen as equal.

1 comment:

  1. This is a really good summary of what we did with the gay rights unit, Kaylyn. And you're right, I think it all comes down to the fact that gays should be treated as equal because everyone should be loved and accepted for who they are.
